We present this proposal to all companies targeting farmers, natural and legal persons engaged in agribusiness.

We offer you the opportunity to expand the market, integrate the Bulgarian agrarian sector into your target and realize your products and services on the Bulgarian market through our decision.

"VIP Software" Ltd. is a company that for 20 years develops and realizes on the Bulgarian market software products, complete ERP management systems, etc., aimed at effective accounting and control in the agro sector and related devices. During this period, we have gained a lot of experience and contacts of the farmers in the country.

Why to become a Partner:

·         We offer direct marketing to nearly 5,000 customers;

·         We become your Distributors, ie. our financial relationship will only be on a positive result (real sale);

·         You get an economic result without initial investment, and we are responsible for the marketing of your products and services in Bulgaria;

·         Expand the scope of the selling tools for the products you offer and the circle of your customers

·         We guarantee loyalty, correctness and expedience in payments;

·         We offer logistics of purchased products;

·         The client receives a complex solution

Our expectations for such a partnership:

-   Fair treatment;

-   Competitive prices;

-   Accuracy of your orders;

 We hope together to jointly expand the market by adding Bulgaria to your target.