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In Teejet Technologies, the main focus is the implementation of new technologies in agriculture. The company and its products are a well-known part of the agricultural processing. Their control systems date back to some of the earliest uses of electronics in the field of agriculture. With her years of experience in spraying, fertilizing and sowing, the company has become the best choice for finding quality products and technical solutions for your business. Innovative, industry-leading products are what we expect from Teejet. Many of their best solutions can be found on their website http://www.teejet.com/.

TeeJet products have specially designed valves that improve spraying accuracy. Their solutions ensure fast shutdown of the sections during spraying and save five, ten or even more seconds needed for driver response and shutdown using other technological solutions.

The company offers high precision navigation systems and a GLONAS signal in all models. Unique to Teejet is the RealView® feature, which allows you to monitor the camera attachment and the entire surroundings around the machine. All operations are controlled simultaneously by a single console for improved accuracy and easy performance check.


 The company also offers autopilot systems, which are characterized by the fact that they do not have to damage the machine’s hydraulics when they are installed.

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